
Montessori teacher with student

Introduction to Montessori Programs

Our academic year has started, with full onsite and online programs for families to choose from to accommodate our families’ needs during the current public-health conditions. Our online programs meet daily, under the instruction of a dedicated AMI Guide. Please contact us for more information.

At the Sapientia Montessori school in Texas, our principal concern is educating the whole child. Our knowledgeable staff are familiar with the Montessori Planes of Development and create classroom environments designed for your child to thrive.

Our different programs are designed for mixed-age groups with activities crucial for their specific developmental needs. This approach allows us to develop your child into a curious and confident individual of outstanding character.

Sapientia Montessori School in Texas: Education and Age Groups

Our school nurtures and educates children in the age groups of:

Young montessori toddler at the chalkboard


Ages: 18 months - 3 Years Old



Ages: 3 - 6 Years Old



Grades: 1 - 6th

We comprehensively adhere to the methodology established by Dr. Montessori, backed by over a century of research. We meticulously tailor our programs and environments to the child’s age-specific stages of development and to each child’s individual needs. This approach provides each child with the self-tools, happiness, confidence, independence, creativity and love for learning that will accompany him/her throughout his/her life.

Instruction Tailored to the Montessori Stages of Development

Dr. Maria Montessori recognized that all individuals progress through consistent and scientifically-based stages (or planes) of development throughout their lives. These stages of development are most prominent and impressionable during our early childhood years, and at a very early age determine multiple aspects of our personalities and behavior that will remain with us for life.

Also known as the Montessori Planes of Development, the first two stages of a child’s development include:

  • The First Plane (Birth to Age 6): This plane is the foundation for creativity, language skills and spatial orientation. Characteristics of this plane include egocentrism, refinement of sense along with detail and process orientation critical in a child’s life, our Montessori school divides this plane into our Toddler and Primary programs. There, we focus on the vital task of helping children create themselves and their own autonomy while nurturing their intelligence and imagination.
  • The Second Plane (Ages 6-12): After building themselves, children begin to develop their morality and conscience. They are capable of abstract thought and mental exploration. The ability to focus and concentrate on intellectual tasks increases. In our Elementary program, we invest in and support your child’s human development with an engaging curriculum across a wide variety of disciplines. This ensures a strong academic foundation and sense of community.

Each stage of development has a specific set of characteristics and needs. Therefore, each stage also requires a unique learning approach suited to the child’s tendencies prominent during any particular stage. In turn, this requires the learning environments to be tailored and carefully balanced to address the child’s age and evolving needs.

More information about this approach follows below and in our Montessori 101 and Montessori Method sections.

Why Choose the Montessori Approach?

Traditional or alternative methods that fail to understand these stages of development will default to a common approach. They may adapt their thematic subjects and levels to the age of the child — however, it is in the application of a stage-tailored methodology that the key to learning and developmental success lie.

To see the difference yourself, we invite you to schedule a tour of our classrooms online or by calling (512) 260-2261. We look forward to showing you our dedication to educating and nurturing every aspect of your child’s development.