After-School Montessori Activities and Programs

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We don’t end the day at the ring of a bell! Sapientia Montessori offers unique after-school activities that continue our commitment to meeting the needs of the whole child.Our Montessori after-school care programs provide children with the opportunity to discover themselves outside of an academic learning experience. Many of our students enroll in our enrichment and character education programs that continue our mission of developing the whole child.


Although our school’s curriculum inherently includes a wide array of the traditional school enrichment subjects and character education programs, the programs listed below are also available as after-school options:

  • Art
  • Chess
  • Creative Movement / Dance
  • Foreign Languages
  • Music
  • Science / Technology
  • Sports
  • Yoga

Children enrolled in our Montessori after-school care find the programs fun, exciting and challenging. All of our after-school programs build on the Montessori philosophy of helping a child reach their highest potential.

Montessori-Inspired After-School Activity Ideas

Sapientia Montessori encourages your child to explore their own passions. While we hope to see your child in one of our Montessori after-school programs, we also understand that many of our students have personal interests outside of school.Some Montessori-inspired after-school activity ideas include:

  • Puzzles: Puzzles are a fantastic hands-on resource for children of all ages and abilities. Not only do they help improve hand-eye coordination, but they allow your child to explore various shapes and spatial patterns. A younger child can start with a simple shape puzzle while older children work on mastering multi-shape jigsaw and even 3D puzzles.
  • Food Preparation: Practical life activities are a core aspect of Montessori education. Food preparation helps children learn sequence, self-care, fine motor skills and cooperation.
  • Clay: Clay is a sensory and creative experience that requires no instructions or prompting. You can provide a theme or ask your child to make something specific. Clay helps strengthen your child’s hand muscles while developing critical thinking through exploration.
  • Threading or Sewing: From threading pasta to sewing cards, this activity is good for developing motor skills, coordination and concentration.

You don’t need a certification to give your child a Montessori-inspired activity. However, keep in mind the following guidelines:

  • Demonstrate the whole sequence of the lesson, from gathering the supplies to cleaning up. Children learn through observation.
  • Tailor the activity to the child’s level. Familiarize yourself with the Montessori Planes of Development. Choose activities that involve sequences so you can add steps as your child’s ability grows.
  • Set up the activity so it flows from left to right. This is how the Montessori classroom is organized and is also helpful for preparing children to read.

Continual engagement in developmental and exploratory activities is crucial to your child’s development. Use these Montessori after-school activities to support your child’s personal and cognitive growth.


Just because the class has ended doesn’t mean the learning should stop. Montessori after-school activities help:

  • Create connections through collaboration
  • Build concentration
  • Learn life skills
  • Refine motor skills
  • Expand vocabulary and language
  • Encourage critical thinking and problem solving

Montessori after-school programs are an amazing opportunity for children to reap positive benefits while socializing with their friends in a safe setting. Parents wishing to enroll their child in Sapientia Montessori after-school care can contact our admissions office at (512) 260-2261 or by scheduling a tour online.

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