Help Your Child Adjust Back to School With the Montessori Method

Break times such as winter and spring break are great opportunities for children and their families to reconnect and refocus before completing the school year. However, for some children, the transition from break back to schooling can be difficult, and they may have trouble summoning the same excitement they may have had at the beginning of the school year. With a few tips and tricks, you can help your child return to school after a break with ease.

Why Is Adjusting Back to School After a Holiday Break Challenging for a Child?

There are a wide variety of reasons why your child may resist going back to school after a holiday break. Some may not want to return to school because it means decreased free time. For others, they may find it challenging to get back into the routine of waking up earlier and completing schoolwork and homework. Other children who suffer from social anxiety may fear leaving their parents or siblings to return to their classroom.

How to Make the Transition Back to School Smooth Using Montessori Methods

The Montessori schooling philosophy helps children foster their instincts and activities. Since the goal of the Montessori method is to assist children in their learning instead of pushing them in one direction or another, you can guide your children into a seamless transition back to school with Montessori education methods:

Set up a Routine

Routines are vital for children to help them stay focused. Try to keep the same routine you follow during the school day during your holiday break so your child can move back into an academic mindset with ease.

Help Your Children Master Skills

In a Montessori school, children often choose tasks they want to work on throughout the day. You can follow this at home by giving your child the option of which chores they want to help complete.

Why Montessori Works to Help Children Through Challenging Situations

While you cannot prevent your child from ever experiencing a challenge, you can help make challenging situations less stressful with Montessori parenting tips and materials. The method encourages children to treat each event as a learning opportunity. Instead of viewing challenges as a roadblock, your child will see them as a means to learn and grow.

Experience the Montessori Method of Education

If you're interested in a premier educational choice for your child, Sapientia Montessori School is an excellent option in the Greater North Austin area. Help your child reach their full potential by contacting the Sapientia Montessori School to learn about enrollment!